Here's the rest of our time in London, by photograph:

The British Museum

The Elgin Marbles! I've also seen the blank spot on the Parthenon in Athens where they're supposed to go. Now, the puzzle is complete. :)

The Egyptian goddess Hathor

War Horse, the play we saw in London. It was incredible. It's set in WWI and had huge puppets of horses. The whole thing was just absolutely amazing. I can't even describe it.

Warming up with lattes while waiting for the theatre to open.

I miss the theatre!!!

The Tate Modern. I don't have any pictures from inside, but it was one of the best put together modern art exhibits I've ever seen. I'm not a huge modern art fan, but I thoroughly enjoyed this museum.

Shakespeare's Globe. Drool.

Crossing the pedestrian bridge to the other half of London. It was super windy and cold!

Egyptian obelisk! You can't really see it in this picture, but it's there!

See? I told you so. And you doubted me...

So. Good.

Trafalgar Square by night. I love this city.
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