Having graduated from college, I've decided to set out on an adventure: a year in Bulgaria. I'll be teaching English at a city in central Bulgaria, and I'll be travelling as much as possible. Stop by for updates!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Why can't I sleep???

My school operates on alternating shifts. Ninth and tenth grade meet in the morning, and eleventh and twelfth grade meet in the afternoon. Every month, the shifts switch (9 and 10 switch to afternoons, 11 and 12 to mornings). Problematically, I teach ninth grade, eleventh grade, and twelfth grade. So, on Mondays and Wednesdays, I have class at 7:30am, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I don't have class until 1:30pm. As a result, my sleep schedule is completely screwy. Actually, I can't really blame the schedule. In theory, I could just wake up every day at 6:30am (AKA the crack of dawn), and then my schedule would be fine. The problem is that I'm a night owl. And I don't like falling asleep until 1am at the earliest and sleeping in till at least 10am. Why did I decide to become a teacher again?.... Anyway, I've been alternating my sleep schedule in all sorts of screwy ways. I don't have a consistent bedtime or waking time. So now, I can't sleep. And I need to wake up by 6:30am tomorrow to catch my bus to Veliko Turnovo. Oh, ps. I'm going to Veliko Turnovo for the weekend to attend a Halloween Party thrown by the Peace Corps Volunteers to Bulgaria. I shall be dressed as Pippi Longstocking. And it shall be a grand, grand time. If I can fall asleep sometime in the near future... I've lost track of my point. Sorry. There was a point to this post, I think. Maybe. Okay, probably not. Which is a sign that sleep needs to happen. Night y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Is it bad that I'm mostly just relieved that I'm not the only person who suffers from this problem?
