One of my ninth graders and her family were gracious enough to take me in on Easter and let me participate in some of Bulgaria's Easter traditions. On Good Friday (or Crucifixion Friday, here), we went to church where we lit candles, received flowers, and crawled under a table for good luck. Saturday, we dyed eggs and ate the tradition Easter bread, Kozunak. The first egg is dyed red, and it is used to make a red cross on the foreheads of all of the children. Silvana's mother made a cross on my forehead because, as she said, I am still just a child. Then, we went to visit the Shipka Monument (it's MUCH easier to reach by car...) and the Kazanlak tomb of the Thracian king. It is the tomb of the son of one of Thracia's most powerful leaders. Sunday, we ate a huge feast of lamb, the traditional Easter food, and had egg fights. Basically, we each picked a dyed egg and then smashed them together. Whoever's egg breaks is the loser. If you lose, you get to eat your egg. If you win, you keep smashing your egg against new eggs. I preferred losing. It meant I got to eat more. :)

Our basket of dyed eggs

It's hard to see, but I'm sporting a red forehead cross.

The Shipka Monument

Me playing with a cannon. Like usual.

At the tomb of the Thracian king